Some models receive an independent rating from Underwriters Laboratory (UL). The variety of ratings and rating systems can make choosing a wall safe tricky. You can also frame the area around the back of the wall safe to hide it from view. Because the back of the safe will extend into the closet, you can purchase a larger safe. Consider placing the safe in a wall that backs into an out-of-view area, like a closet. If your walls aren’t deep enough to install the safe you want, you still have options. Usually, a wall safe will be anchored to wall studs. This is where having multiple potential locations can help you if one location cannot accommodate the safe size you want, another might. Measure for sizeĭetermine the maximum size wall safe you can fit into the locations you’ve picked. The interior of a wall safe is usually measured in cubic feet. Choose one that fits all of those items with some free space for later additions. Think about what you want to place inside the safe. Holding capacity varies from one wall safe model to another. Otherwise, you might not use it as often as you should. Pick a few potential locationsĪ wall safe needs to be hidden from view, but it also should be convenient to access. Preparing ahead of time will ensure you get the best results from your wall safe purchase. They’re resistant to fire for a limited time. Despite manufacturer claims, no wall safe is truly fireproof.